Does teeth whitening hurt?

Although safe, the whitening agent can cause some discomfort in the form of tooth sensitivity. Not all patients experience tooth sensitivity during treatment. For starters, whether or not you experience discomfort will depend on whether you experience tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is a possible side effect after teeth whitening and is most often caused by whitening solution used to whiten teeth.

This solution can remove minerals within the enamel and cause teeth to become temporarily porous, exposing microtubules inside the teeth. These tubules, called dentinal tubules, are microscopic channels that lead from the surface of the teeth to the center of the teeth, where the dental nerves are housed. When dentinal tubules are exposed, tooth sensitivity will increase. Minerals are usually replenished in the teeth within a few days of teeth whitening and, once the minerals are restored, tooth sensitivity usually resolves.

In short, yes, it's actually quite normal for teeth to hurt a little after a teeth whitening procedure. Over time, that pain will subside and completely disappear, so you don't need to worry unless the pain persists for several days after the procedure. If this happens, it may be a good idea to contact your dentist.

Teeth whitening

is a great way to get the smile you've always wanted, so don't hesitate to take the time to discuss what it offers.

And if you feel discomfort after the procedure, don't worry. Do you have fine polish? This is usually the first thing we'll look for if you experience pain after whitening treatments. However, patients with strong enamel may still experience some discomfort after bleaching. Peroxide, one of the main ingredients in whitening solutions, can irritate the nerves in your teeth, so you may experience discomfort when you drink something cold or when you go out in cold temperatures.

These factors may contribute to the level of pain or sensitivity experienced during or after an active whitening treatment. Tooth sensitivity after teeth whitening can be mild to moderate, while some patients may not experience any increase in tooth sensitivity after treatment. The high-intensity lasers used in a laser whitening session combined with the strong whitening agents are the causes of this sensitivity. Professional whitening treatments are very different from kits that people use at home and can make a big difference, using a combination of whitening agent and laser technology.

Another method that some doctors use to reduce pain is to have the patient brush with toothpaste for sensitive teeth such as Sensodyne. You can also ask your dentist about using potassium nitrate in your whitening tray, as it is known to help reduce tooth pain. Although teeth whitening is safe, it can leave some patients with a temporary increase in tooth sensitivity after treatment. To learn more about teeth whitening and tooth sensitivity, schedule a consultation with Wilmington, DE dentists Paul E.

Despite some discomfort for patients with sensitivity, teeth whitening is a safe cosmetic dentistry practice when it is currently performed. However, you may need to find teeth whitening solutions that do not contain hydrogen peroxide or, at a minimum, a lower concentration. The good news about teeth whitening is that the treatment itself doesn't cause any pain, so you can rest assured. This solution can remove minerals within the enamel and cause teeth to temporarily become porous, exposing microtubules inside the teeth.


Ernest Oesterling
Ernest Oesterling

Web maven. Lifelong bacon ninja. Total food junkie. Unapologetic travel fan. Certified zombie evangelist.