Does teeth whitening last long?

The effects of teeth whitening can last up to 2-3 years or as little as 6 months. It varies from person to person. The duration of teeth whitening results will depend in part on the type of whitening agent your cosmetic dentist uses. Although bleaching agents are generally hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, there are varying concentrations, as well as different methods.

Because there is such a wide range of whitening options, average teeth whitening results can last between six months and three years. However, in most cases, people tend to have results that last about a year. As for the duration of take-home tray results, the answer varies for each person. In general, results will last six to eight months.

In some cases, results can last up to a year. Teeth whitening is not a permanent treatment. The effects of whitening treatments usually last from a few months to a couple of years. However, the practices mentioned above can prolong the effects of teeth whitening and help maintain a bright smile.

In general, at-home teeth whitening tray results usually last between four and six months. However, if you use a stronger peroxide gel or use the trays for longer periods of time, you may see results that last up to a year. However, if you don't use a powerful whitening gel or don't properly care for your teeth after treatment, the results may not last as long. Think of it this way, if a substance is strong enough to stain a white shirt, then it is strong enough to stain teeth.

Some of the best at-home teeth whitening options meet ADA acceptance for lightening deeper surface and stains. Nicotine in tobacco products turns yellow when combined with oxygen, and this is what stains teeth. When you whiten your teeth at the dentist, it will last longer than if you use a kit from the store or online. If you want to get a whiter smile and you are going to have a crown or veneer fitted, you will first need to whiten your natural teeth.

However, the effects of whitening mouthwash are only temporary and usually only work on surface stains and last for about 24 hours. Before starting to use either formula, a custom mold is taken that allows the “trays” to fit comfortably over the teeth. In fact, the history of teeth whitening can be traced back to several ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and Romans. The desire for a bright, white smile has caused many people to try over-the-counter teeth whitening with less than satisfactory results.

If you use whitening toothpaste twice a day, it may take 2 to 6 weeks before you see results. If you're looking to dramatically improve your smile, teeth whitening is a quick and affordable option. Extrinsic stains are different, they are the stains that appear on the surface of your tooth and can be easily removed with good oral hygiene practices and a professional whitening treatment. If you avoid staining substances as much as possible, you may be able to go 6 to 12 months without recharging your treatment and whitening your smile.

However, the lifespan of your whitening results will inevitably be affected by what you eat and the way you care for your teeth.

Ernest Oesterling
Ernest Oesterling

Web maven. Lifelong bacon ninja. Total food junkie. Unapologetic travel fan. Certified zombie evangelist.